• Decorating is important for most people because they no one enjoys walking into an empty room. Each person has certain ideas and tastes when it comes to the items that are used in the process, but flowers are the most common choices for it. Wooden flowers are one of the newest options a person can turn to for decoration and they come with a range of benefits. Why use a traditional solution that will wither and die when wood flowers can serve the same purpose for a lot longer?

    Flowery Options for Decoration

    Making a room look better is not an easy task. There are a lot of elements to consider and each of them is going to play an important role in the results that can be obtained. Making the best choice is not an easy task, especially when the target room must have furniture, curtains, carpets and a range of other items to create the right décor. Even if all the elements are combined to the right extent, there are still quite a few items that can add a personal cozy touch to the final result.

    Flowers are one of the most common solutions people turn to when they want to brighten up the place. They add a bit of color to the room, they can be placed on the table, on the window sill and on any other furniture item in the room. It is important to remember that the ones in pots need to be watered constantly and they need certain conditions to thrive. Cut flowers will sit in a vase for as long as they last and then wither and die. But what about using wood flowers for decoration?

    People always argue that natural flowers always smell great, but this happens only when they are in season. It is hard to find a flower that actually smells like it is supposed to in the middle of winter. Even though they look great and they make the room cozier, there are other options that can serve the same purpose. Wooden flowers look amazing if they are bought from the right source and they present quite a few extra benefits. You can learn a few things about them here.

    How are they made?

    Wood flowers are not made out of real wood, even if they have a similar texture. They are made out of the tapioca plant, by cutting very thin sheets and putting them together to create a beautiful masterpiece. Each flower is handmade and they are a faithful representation of the real natural flowers you are in love with. The options you have at hand include roses, carnations, hydrangeas, daisies, dahlias as well as many others. Each of them can make a room look a lot better.

    The natural color of the wooden flowers made out of tapioca is ivory. Even if is a neutral color that can fit into any décor, one of the most appealing features of real flowers is their natural color. One of the best ways to make an impression using wooden solution is by dying them in a way that goes well into the room they will decorate. At the same time they can be dyed with the usual colors, trying to replicate their natural look. Each option will work great as part of the décor.

    The fragrances you enjoy from natural flowers are also the ones that make the latter so appealing. Even if their wooden replicas are not endowed with the same fragrances, artificial scents can be added to make them smell like the real flowers or even better. The best part is that the scents can be adapted to the preferences of the owners and they will add a personal touch to the room. This is also a solution for people who are allergic to pollen or other natural smells, but they are not willing to eliminate flowers from their decorating solutions. What more could you ask for?

    Wood flowers may be one of the best options a person can use to decorate a room, but choosing the right source is also important. Quality is important when it comes to replicating something natural and this is why no one should cut corners when it comes to wooden flowers. The web can offer the right answers and you can take the time to browse through all the options they offer and find the best. It is something you will enjoy for a long time so the choice must be made wisely.

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  • Choosing the right decorating items is not an easy task. There are quite a few things that must be considered and a number of options that will rise up to the task. Taking the time to learn as much as possible about the options that can be used for the targeted purpose is imperative. For instance, Sola wood flowers can make any room of a house look amazing, but they are fragile and delicate. At the same time, Sola flowers are incredibly versatile and they can create amazing decorations.

    A Small Introduction

    People love flowers and they want to use these to decorate every room of the house. There are a few that have to be named from the start. Cut flowers may look nice, but they will last for a few days and after that they wither and die. The ones you get in flower pots may last longer, but it is important to take good care of them. Each plant needs different conditions to thrive and without them they also wither and die. This is why the best choice anyone can use is Sola wood flowers.

    The aesthetics are very similar because Sola flowers are meant to replicate the natural plants. The colors can be chosen according to each preference. People can turn to the natural look or they can go crazy and dye them in any way they see fit, turning the flowers into a work of art. The scent can also replicate the real deal, but this can also be chosen according to preference. It is just like having the natural beauty of the flowers you love, but with the personal touches you enjoy most.

    These are not made out of wood. Each flower is handmade out of thin sheets of the tapioca plant and it shows off the skill of the people who work on them. They look great, they can be tailored to the needs of the owner and they will also last forever, as long as they are not handled roughly and they are not exposed to direct sunlight. As long as you will learn how to take care of these flowers, you will have an amazing decorative item that will make an impression on every guest.

    How to Handle Them

    People who buy natural flowers should do their best to preserve them. As it was pointed out, they need certain conditions to thrive or they die. If you want to keep them in the house for as long as they can last, it is important to learn as much as you can about taking care of them. Even if they are not natural, Sola wood flowers are still fragile and they also need quite a bit of care. This is very important and you must follow each step to make sure they will last for as long as they can.

    It is important to remember that the Sola flowers need to be fluffed the first time they are taken out of the box. This means they need to be soaked or sprayed with a little bit of water so they can get back to their original shape. It is a delicate procedure that must be handled with care to obtain the best results. Since anyone has to learn more about the new delicate flowers, it is important to find the support needed to get the job done. A video is the best way to learn more about this.

    The color you seek is also important. This can be a very interesting project and it will require all the skills and dedication you can muster. They can be dipped in paint to cover every petal of the flower in the same color or you can try your skill with a paint brush. No matter which option you turn to, first it is important to choose the right paint:

    1. Latex is very common because of the variety of colors can use for this project
    2. Vegetable glycerin is also a common option because it makes the flowers more pliable
    3. Fabric dye is the original way. This keeps the flowers soft without the need for glycerin

    It is up to you to choose the solution that works best in your home, but Sola wood flowers will do the trick. It is important to take the time to learn as much as you can about handling Sola flowers, dyeing them and so on. The source you use should provide all the videos you need to make your dreams come true.

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  • In order to create a perfect outfit, you don’t only need the clothes and shoes, but also the accessories which will give a finishing touch. Finding a great accessory is hard but one such thing is a piece made out of sola flowers. Creativity is at the base of combining fashion creations and it is stimulated by the possibility of choice. In this case, you can always choose the type, size, shape, and color of your sola wood flowers.

    Brief History of Accessories

    There are mainly two branches of accessories: those that can be worn and those that can be carried. Usually, accessories have been chosen not only based on the outfit but also on another context. The places where they went, the reasons and the persons they would go with always had an impact on the person's look.

    Nowadays accessories are always seen as a statement look and it is easy to see why. Since the days where the differences of the classes were hugely open are gone, now they are available for everyone. In the past, there have been lots of cases in which accessories were worn only by high-class people. On the other hand, there have also been cases of iconic pieces worn by the working class. One of these kinds of situations was when factory (or any hard environment) workers wore gloves to hide the signs of labor on their hands. The persons who did this were mostly women.

    How to Express Yourself With Sola Flowers

    Even if there are just two main types of accessories, they divide into lots of subclasses. Ranges that are covered by sola flowers  can be: earrings, pendants, necklaces, hairpins, bouquets, etc. They can be used to personalize any material through gluing/attaching. It should be easy for everybody to do. There are lots of online tutorials: written or filmed. Children can also attend this creative process but should always be watched by an adult.

    Every normal looking outfit can be brightened up entirely if accessorized correctly. Sola wood flowers can substitute any type of flower, with any size and color. Sometimes people can even opt for special custom made ones. Your personal style can openly be represented by the way you combine and paint your fashion decorations.

    These flowers are way more resistant than natural ones and as opposed to them they will always maintain their fresh look. A great touch is having them as a signature piece in many other outfits. They will always ensure a centerpiece vibe because of the visual impact they create. Just think about some bright colors like red or purple. Keep in mind that even colors can be combined. Either to make a new tone or as complementary sides. Some knowledge regarding coloring is needed but it should not be too difficult. Keep in mind that textures need to be taken into account also. Some colors just work better on some textures as opposed to others.

    Last but not least you need to take make-up into consideration. The colors and vibes of your sola flowers should match with your make up. Take for example cold winter months where your clothing tones will be subtle. That is when your accessories and make-up could shine the most.

    Can Sola Wood Flowers Be 100% Homemade?

    Almost always  sola wood flowers  are made through the same process. They are hewed from the Tapioca tree. The plant is cut all the way through the center which then needs to be processed into very thin and malleable layers. The artistic creators use a bowl of room temperature water or a streamer. The best advice is to use acrylic paints when finalizing your product because they are easy to find and apply. Acrylics can cover big surface areas, bigger than other types of paints, and come in a big range of colors.

    Although the process itself does not require many prerequisites, the work needed to be done on the creations themselves requires a good amount of artistic abilities. This is why if you want to have some perfect pieces it is the best solution to acquire them from professionals. If after this you are still eager to learn and try to do them yourself, you can find them in online and physical stores. Buying a big set of ivory colored ones should give you enough tries to finally achieve your desired sola flowers.


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  • Since the great expansion of the internet, more and more things are achievable by our own hands in our own houses. Lots of information is freely available online on how to make different things by yourself. These kinds of projects are called DIY. This acronym stands for Do It Yourself. One of the most common practice in this area is in the fashion and arts. Both are very similar and some of the best creations are the sola flowers. These are basically very beautiful wood flowers which are forever lasting and can be used both as decoration and as an accessory.

    The Rise of DIY

    This concept can grasp a huge number of people. Usually, almost everyone would be interested to make something they love with their own hands. It is very simple to attract people this way. This practice could also turn into a passion and also into a very economical way of living. Learning to do things by yourself can save you lots of money. For example, think about a very lovely accessory that you desire. That might be very expensive, but with the right amount of patience and practice, you can essentially get the same results as most retail products.

    There are lots of help from all around the internet so if you don’t succeed from the first try don’t get discouraged. Keep trying. You can find very helpful tips in videos on websites like YouTube, blogs or even in books. Some books are specially written with this purpose in mind. They might even come with the tools needed as a package.

    This is a lovely concept that has created a very big community around it. Lots of people have embraced this phenomenon and more are doing so every day.

    Why Make Sola Flowers in the First Place?

    Natural flowers are for sure a unique and unreplaceable accessory. That is because of the specific scent and freshness. However, there is a big downfall. Those things do not last. In fact, they last very little. When is the last time you have had flowers? Think about how fast they faded as well as their lovely smell. Also, lots of unique exotic species are not in reach and this thing, although sad, might be a good one since they need protection. Since their liveliness survives so little  sola flowers  are the best alternative. These creations can satisfy most needs and can be blended in most outfits. They can even carry a desired scent since you can always put perfume on them.

    As opposed to their natural counterparts, wood flowers can be reutilized forever (unless physically damaged by the user) and do not need any minerals from soil or hydration in order to maintain their freshness. They can be transported in any kind of condition. These pieces are very easily modifiable or even creatable in your own house. When compared to the time it takes to grow a plant it is clear that the DIY is the way to go.

    Things to Know About Wood Flowers

    Although the creative process itself is lots of fun and relatively easy, the result might differ from that of a professional artist that has been working for years. Do not get disheartened. With practice, you can achieve anything. Knowing this, it is preferable to opt for a big package of   wood flowers  prime materials in order to have spares. They should come in their natural basic color which is ivory. This is very good since you will probably want to add one or more of your own. Ivory is a neutral, somewhat white resembling color so it is very easy to paint on it.

    Once you have the prime materials you should acquire a steamer. This will allow for easy molding of the shapes and sizes. How? By warming the sola flowers just enough to get them a bit elastic. Don’t worry though, once they get back to the normal temperature and dryness, they will be sturdy. There are lots of ways to bend your petals. A quick search on the internet should suffice for making a decision.

    Last but not least when you have decided to create sola flowers you might want to think about their purpose first. If you want to do it just for fun that is great but for example if you want to use them as a fashion accessory think about how will you fit it. If you want to use it as decoration think about the right place for it and so on.


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  • Sola wood flowers are, as the name suggests, flowers made out of wood. They have been around for centuries and have been used for a variety of different decorating purposes. From decorating mantle pieces above fireplaces to being used in order to ornate ceiling tiles, wooden flowers have made a name for themselves as a staple of luxury and fine taste. In more recent years they have become more accessible, but that didn’t take anything away from the beauty they project around them in any surrounding.

    Decorations for the wealthy

    Wood carving has existed since biblical times. The craft has since evolved into an art form and has seen various style transitions over time. At one point, people got bored of just having things for their functionality, and those who could afford it, started decorating them and showing them off whenever possible. Around this moment is when craftsmen started to develop more and more intricate ways of satisfying the needs of their clients and exploring their own imagination.

     Flowers were among the first elements to be used in order to decorate interiors as well as exteriors. Their graceful nature and symbolic meanings made them the perfect candidates for the role of inspiration for artists looking to come up with the next big thing. Firstly painted, then sculpted, flowers started popping up everywhere around the world. Even though styles varied and the themes were mostly restricted to local influences, flowers became one of the most popular and appreciated decorating elements around. 

    Wooden flowers began to appear when wealthy clients started wanting something elegant, but not cold and hard like marble or other rocks being used for carvings. Artists rushed to make their clients dreams a reality, experimenting with different woods, shapes and colors. The more intricate the design, and the more rare the wood, the more expensive the piece got. But that was what people were paying for those days: exclusivity. Those were the days when mass-production for something like that was unheard of.

    Pieces created in those times can still be admired nowadays in museums or in old stately houses. Wooden flowers can be found gracing the headboard of historical beds, or on the ornamental columns keeping up lavish staircases in palaces and other buildings.

    Stepping into modern times

    Once the world began getting smaller, thanks to commercial routes and exploration missions, the decorating industry moved forward and adapted as well. New materials were being discovered and tested and that lead to a new way of looking at decorations altogether. Technologies and crafts were refined and exported to the far reaches of the globe and back came products made out of local supplies with traditional influences. Within just a few centuries everything the old world knew about decorating was renewed.

    This evolution left its mark on the way sola wood flowers were made as well. Firstly, there were new materials to be used. The artists didn’t have to use expensive, difficult to carve, hard woods like mahogany or ebony wood. They could now work with more cheap, flexible materials like balsa or sola wood. This meant that they could work faster and cheaper and thus have more clients that could afford their products. 

    The next big leap forward that decorating took was entering the hobby market. This meant that people that weren’t artists, but had the time and patience to pick up certain skills, could make their own decorations. They now simply had to buy the materials, which they could do in professional shops, and get to work. This, for instance, meant that the sola wood flowers someone needed for a bouquet or for any type of floral arrangement could be made by that person alone. This drastically made prices drop and made people realize that as long as they have imagination they can do just about anything. 

    The results of hobbies such as making flowers or other decorations out of wood are both impressive and relaxing. Many people can now take up a hobby like this thanks to the internet and to the fact that they can search for instructional videos and even shop for supplies out of the comfort of their own home. 

    Whether one wants to make a business out of creating other peoples dream wedding bouquets, or just want to fill a couple of hours in their day with something creative and soothing, creating flowers out of wood is fun and you know that at the end of the day you have something to look back on with pride. Something made with one’s own hands. 

    Resource box: If you’re looking for  wooden flowers  for a special occasion like a wedding or some kind of other event try  sola wood flowers  for a priceless and unique moment you will remember forever. 

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